Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Late afternoon on our 5th day in paradise

We have been in Hawaii since the afternoon of January 1, and have found Chinatown and the Banzai Pipeline and BYU Hawaii. Our rental car goes back to the airport tonight with the Williams and we are left on our own in their house on the beach. We just came in from our daily regimen of playing in the waves, and now we'll just watch them--that the sea turtle that in them lives outside our window--until it gets dark. It does get very dark.  

For the last few days the bay behind our house has been pretty raucous, with lots of kite-surfers enjoying the wind. That's one photo. The profile photo on the right is us in the Salt Lake airport on New Year's Day waiting for our flight to Honolulu--Linda wanted a "before" picture. We expect to post an "after" picture soon showing us slimmer, tanner, and younger. 

Tomorrow our classes start. I (Greg) am teaching three and Linda is teaching one. Our Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays are going to be busy. Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays will not be. Sundays are Sundays. We've been getting set up on campus, meeting old Samoa and even Ephraim friends, and getting ready to pronounce our students' names. 

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